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Pioneer Learning Trust

Pursuing Excellence and Equity

Joining our Trust


Trust Partnerships

If you are interested in the possibility of forming a Trust Partnership with Pioneer to explore the benefits of being part of our Trust, we would suggest the following steps:

Governors agree to make an expression of interest

Trust leaders to meet members of the Governing Body and the Headteacher

Priorities for the partnership to be agreed

Timescale of the partnership to be agreed

Costs of the partnership to be agreed

Application for Trust and School Improvement funding (if applicable)

Memorandum of Understanding drawn up

Partnership begins within the scope of the MOU

Regular reviews of the partnership to include discussion about conversion


Joining the Trust

Once a school has made the decision that joining Pioneer Learning Trust is the right decision for their school a number of steps must be followed:

Governors formally agrees to join Pioneer and submits minutes of the decision and a formal letter of application to the Pioneer Trust Board

Trust Board considers the application with a view to approving further discussions with the applicant school and the due diligence process

Due diligence undertaken and clarifications sought

Trust Board formally approve the school’s application

Application made to the Regional Schools Commissioner to join Pioneer

Regional Schools Commissioner issues approval

Information gathering undertaken to instruct solicitors

School consults with stakeholders for 6 weeks with Pioneer support alongside a 4 week TUPE consultation with staff and unions led by school’s HR

Legal agreements completed including land transfer, leases, funding agreements and commercial transfers

DFE approval of transfer of the school to the Trust