School Improvement Team
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School Improvement Team (ID 2276)
Cori BatemanChief Executive Officer
Cori Bateman
As an experienced school leader, Cori has served as a Headteacher and Executive Headteacher in multiple schools and has supported schools both locally and regionally as a National Leader of Education. As CEO, Cori provides system leadership within and beyond the Trust, coaching and supporting school leaders, building networks and connections in order to grow the Trust and engaging with schools and Trusts beyond Pioneer to develop collaboration and collaborative approaches to benefit the education system. Having taken on the CEO at the point of inception of the Trust in 2019, Cori holds the National Professional Qualification for Executive Leadership (NPQEL) and currently facilitates this programme through Best Practice Network. As a Values-based Leader, Cori works as an associate with Values-based Education (VbE) to develop Values-based Education and Leadership across schools and MATs through CPD and quality mark assessments.
In addition to her work with schools in the Trust, Cori works with schools beyond the Trust offering a range of services including:
Leadership Consultancy and Coaching
Intensive School Leadership Support
School Improvement Advisory Services
School Self Evaluation and Improvement Planning
School Review Services
HT Performance Management
Governor Training
Pupil Premium Reviews
Inspection Preparation and Support
Support with School Structures, Systems and Efficiencies
Values-based Education Training
Values-based Education (VbE) Quality Mark Assessments
Jamie PardonDirector of Education
Jamie Pardon
Jamie joined the Pioneer team as Director of Education in September 2022 following over 8 years as a successful headteacher for two different schools. Her experience as a headteacher is of two very different schools. In her first headship, she successfully led the improvement journey of a two-form entry primary in Luton from ‘requires improvement’ to ‘good’ in 18 months. In her second headship, she not only maintained standards well above the national average in a one-form entry village primary, she improved upon them in both outcomes and progress.
She passionately believes that school improvement is rooted in strong and trusting relationships where the core purpose of pursuing excellence and equity for children is at the heart. Since joining Pioneer, Jamie has made the role her own by working collaboratively with headteachers and their teams to provide robust support and challenge. Her impact was clearly evident in her first year in the role through her subject leadership CPD and mentoring. Three of our schools had positive Ofsted inspections in Summer 2023 where in all schools subject leaders confidently demonstrated their subjects to the inspection teams.
As an ex-headteacher, Jamie has expertise in all areas of school leadership, however her passion is curriculum and effective teaching and learning. She would welcome supporting your school with:
Curriculum Development
Developing School Improvement Plans and effective monitoring cycles
Effective pedagogies, including general teaching practices and subject specific pedagogy
Middle and Senior Leadership (current an NQPSL facilitator)
Subject Leadership
Supporting ECTs and ECMs (current ECT facilitator – Pioneer is the delivery partner for Best Practice Network of the ECF for the Primary Luton cohorts)
Lisa PheeDirector of Maths
Lisa Phee
Lisa has worked with the Pioneer Learning Trust for 8 years leading maths and staff development across our schools in her role as Director of Mathematics. Lisa has extensive experience in supporting schools with mathematics in her SLE role in a variety of ways from delivering staff training, working with school teams to improve the quality of teaching and learning of mathematics and supporting maths leaders. Lisa is an accredited primary maths specialist for the NCETM and leads teacher research groups for Enigma Maths Hub, supporting teachers in developing mastery approaches in their practice. Through Enigma, Lisa visited schools in Shanghai where she was able to see high-quality mathematics being taught in the primary setting. Lisa is a core tutor for the Shire Foundation and CTG and has delivered training to ECTs across two teaching school ECT Induction programmes.
Lisa can provide the below support
Mastery approaches to support quality maths teaching and learning
Use of manipulatives to support and challenge EYFS - KS2
Development in the use of the concrete, pictorial and abstract approaches in maths EYFS – KS2
Developing fluency across the school EYFS - KS2
Developing questioning in maths
Bar modelling & Calculation strategies
Implementation of a new whole-school approach
Stem sentences and high-quality reasoning – EYFS – KS2
Developing the subject leader
Supporting and coaching staff
Developing the Middle Leader
Preparing for Ofsted
Maths in mixed age settings
Jo LunnChildren's Champion
Jo Lunn
Jo is an experienced primary practitioner having worked in a variety of primary schools for over 20 years. During this time, she has developed a passion for English and her role as English Lead has covered KS1 and KS2. She has led schools in raising standards in reading and writing.
In addition to this, she has been part of the Senior Leadership Team and developed strategies, projects and whole-school initiatives to raise standards across the school.
Primary English
Raising standards in KS2
Developing the teaching of writing using the principles of Talk for Writing
Developing teaching and learning strategies
Promoting a culture of reading
Developing whole class reading
Outstanding teaching and learning
T4W and VIPERs expertise
Hannah PageAssessment and Standards
Hannah Page
Hannah started at Chantry Primary Academy in 2011 as an NQT and has held various leadership positions. She is a Deputy Headteacher and SLE with responsibility for the Quality of Education. She specialises in Assessment, Pupil Progress and Standards and Leads on Assessment across the Pioneer Trust.
With proven experience in raising attainment through effective teaching and learning Hannah has also led on marking and feedback, Pupil Premium and maintaining high-quality teaching and learning; delivering bespoke training to all schools within the trust.
Hannah has led on partnership working groups within the West Area Partnership to develop new assessment initiatives and implemented these across the trust, in addition to working with ITT networks to deliver and develop training initial teacher training and support ECTs
Most recently she has supported the onboarding of New schools within the Trust with Assessment and built a Network of Assessment Leads within the schools whilst support Chantry Primary Academy as a Leader and Teacher.
Hannah can offer support in the following areas:
Assessment of learning EYFS – KS2
Effective feedback to pupils EYFS – KS2
Implementing curriculum and assessment models
Workload management
Effective classroom management
Raising standards across the curriculum
Supporting Year 6 workflows
Adrian BeeMaths (Mastery Specialist)
Adrian Bee
Adrian is an experienced primary school teacher with accreditation as a Mathematics Specialist Teacher (MaST). He has in-depth knowledge of mathematics teaching and assessment and has helped introduce teaching for Mastery in a number of schools.
He has provided mentoring for ECTs and PGCE students and delivered bespoke mathematics CPD for ECTs across Luton.
Adrian has supported the development of Middle Leaders to improve teaching and learning and has provided courses to develop the mathematical understanding of teaching assistants.
Providing support for ECTs and
PGCE students
Coaching Middle Leaders
Developing effective teaching and learning
Developing number fluency
Supporting the more able
Creating positive learning environments
Introducing a mastery curriculum in mathematics
Doug LeonardMaths (Mastery Specialist)
Doug Leonard
Doug has 15 years of experience working in primary and middle schools with much of that time being employed as a Year 6 class teacher, Maths subject Lead and Upper Key Stage 2 Phase Leader. He has an in-depth knowledge and experience of KS2 assessment.
As well as holding a Mathematics Specialist Teacher (MaST) accreditation, Doug is also a primary maths specialist for the NCETM and leads teacher research groups for Enigma Maths Hub. This activity supports teachers in developing mastery approaches in their practice and guiding subject leads and schools to embed those approaches.
Doug can provide support in a range of areas:
Teaching for Mastery approaches
Effective questioning in maths
Developing high-quality pupil reasoning skills
Adapting lesson design to promote small step learning
Using stem sentences effectively to strengthen understanding and memorisation
Use of concrete and pictorial representations to show mathematical structure
Developing fluency
Rachel OwenEnglish
Rachel Owen
Coby HitchcockEarly Reading, Phonics and Early Years
Coby Hitchcock
Coby has over 12 years of experience working predominately in Early Years. She has a wealth of knowledge and experience delivering the curriculum, leading teams and securing the foundation skills every child needs. Coby joined Chantry in September 2022 as an Assistant Headteacher for Early Years. She is also Early Reading and Phonics lead and oversees Year 1 to ensure a smooth transition.
Coby has become an accredited Jolly Phonics trainer, delivering Phonics training to other providers. She has also worked for the DFE as an Early Years Expert working with local Early Years providers to raise standards and support teams.
Coby can provide a range of support in the following areas:
Early Reading development
Phonics teaching and consistency of chosen SSP
Early Years Curriculum development and coverage
Purposeful staff interactions
Continuous provision in EY and KS1
Enabling Environments -
Adam NelsonEd Tech
Adam Nelson
Linda GoddenComputing
Linda Godden
Amy MoyeTeaching and Learning
Amy Moye
Jake GurneyYear 6 Standards
Jake Gurney
Shaela MalikYear 6 Standards
Shaela Malik
Jenni LloydPupil Wellbeing & Behaviour and ITT/ECT Mentoring
Jenni Lloyd
Jenni started at Chantry Primary in 2001. She has taught in all primary year groups from EYFS to Year 6. She is now a Deputy Head with responsibility for curriculum development, ITT and all things pastoral.
Jenni has recently been instrumental in the overhaul of the entire curriculum at Chantry and is currently supporting other schools in the development of their own curriculum. She has written a bespoke Personal Wellbeing Curriculum which brings together PSHE, Values Education, Relationships, E-safety, mental health, protective behaviours and more!
She is passionate about the teaching of phonics and early reading and has successfully implemented and embedded effective phonics approaches in her school.
Her background in psychology has led to an interest in child development and she is able to provide advice and training for schools in attachment theory, behaviours for learning, brain based learning, mental health and wellbeing.
Jenni also has many years of experience mentoring both PGCE and ECT students and providing training in a range of areas for a number of organisations.
Primary Curriculum Inc. EYFS
Phonics teaching and assessment
Development of teaching and learning strategies particularly in KS1 and EYFS
Creating positive learning environments including behaviour management strategies
Children’s mental health and wellbeing
Understanding challenging behaviour (attachment and trauma-based behaviours)
Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES)
How to support/mentor teacher trainees (ITT)
How to support Early Careers Teachers
Philippa CooperBehaviour and SEND
Philippa Cooper
Philippa has over 30 years of experience as a primary teacher.
Philippa’s knowledge and experience gained in both ASD and SEMH specialist schools, is now applied in mainstream, to support staff in meeting the increasingly complex needs of children in inclusive mainstream settings and to ensure active engagement with learning and improved outcomes. Recently trained and now Certified as a Tutor for Therapeutic Thinking, she now offers training and advice for the application of this approach to behaviour management. Previously an RRN accredited tutor for Restrictive Physical Intervention, she continues to advocate Positive Behaviour Support (PBS) and delivers a range of bespoke training incorporating this.
Understanding and managing behaviours of concern, for staff at all levels of interaction with primary pupils.
Therapeutic Thinking training and support
PBS (Positive Behaviour Support) training
ASD/ADHD/Attachment training; Understanding and
removing barriers to learning
Observations and reports to support referrals to
outside agencies
Behaviour Advisory Surgeries
Coralie BordiakSEND/Inclusion
Coralie Bordiak
Coralie is the Lead Practitioner of Inclusion at Chantry Primary Academy. She leads SEN and Inclusion across the school and works with a variety of professionals both in and out of school as well as closely with parents. Previously Coralie has led a behaviour support provision in Central Bedfordshire.
Coralie believes a whole school approach is needed to support children and is committed to ensuring all children receive the best education possible regardless of their needs. She regularly delivers training to staff to share best practice within school and for ECTs.
Whole school approaches to SEN
and Inclusion
Leading SEN across a setting
Understanding and addressing barriers to learning
Working with TAs to support children
Differentiation and child-centred learning
Working with outside agencies
Understanding and supporting behaviour
Nichola CombenSEND/Inclusion & Sherwood Trainer
Nichola Comben
Nichola is an experienced teacher and has developed her role specifically in SEND and inclusion for 16 years. She has carried out strategic leadership roles for the past 6 years and is currently Deputy Headteacher at Southfield Primary Academy. Nichola remains instrumental in coordinating provision for Inclusion and SEND as well as being the behaviour lead within the school having delivered positive behaviour support and physical intervention training across the trust. Nichola collaborates with staff, external agencies and parents to raise the promotion of mental health and wellbeing across the school and is keen to develop and enhance practice to ensure effective systems are in place to provide the appropriate provision for all children.
Nichola can provide support in a range of areas:-
Developing classroom strategies and adaptations to curriculum and pedagogy through effective, measurable target setting to promote inclusion for children with SEND.
Delivering training across schools to all staff to build strength and understanding within the workforce, empowering practitioners and enabling the needs of children to be met effectively.
Supporting staff to understand, plan and deliver effective provision for a range of SEND needs including behaviours of concern.
Recognition that effective provision for children is delivered by staff who are well supported in their own wellbeing, developing their own resilience through programmes such as mindfulness.
Previous delivery of a Restraint Reduction Network approved Positive Behaviour and Physical Interventions Training (Sherwood)